It’s no secret that people are switching jobs for better opportunities and better pay these days. If you need to stay in your current job, because of a certain reward you receive, then read this article to learn how you can make the most of your job, even if you don’t love it.
No one is immune from what’s formally known as RIFs (reductions in force). When layoffs occur, typically, the first to go are those that recently joined the company, the underperformers or the highly compensated.Here are some actions you can take to be recognized as a star performer, an employee that the company cannot afford to lay off because of all the value she brings.
So many people’s careers or promotions are jeopardized because they share too much of their personal information in the workplace. However, there should be clear boundaries between your professional life and personal life...
Even the best of us stress out or become negative after enduring long stretches of work, without a break. If we do not break away temporarily from the work environment, all emotions become more pronounced...
Asking for a raise takes preparation. You must have clear and detailed explanation as to why you deserve the raise. Here's what you can do to build a case for your well earned raise...
During your job search, you may be lucky enough to receive multiple job offers, and when you do, sometimes it’s not easy to make a decision.Certainly, if you receive a job offer from the company of your dreams, the decision is less difficult. But that’s not always the case. What if you receive job offers from three companies for a similar position? Which offer should you choose?
We have all worked with or continue to work with annoying co-workers and sometimes avoiding them is not easy. In this article, we share our advice for dealing with these types of colleagues.We have all worked with or continue to work with annoying co-workers and sometimes avoiding them is not easy...
Women tend to say, “I’m sorry” far too often in the workplace. Women who continually apologize for actions and behaviors not their own, do so for many reasons including some of the following...
The amount of work and effort a candidate places into job search these days can be overwhelming. If you land a face-to-face interview, then you have to work even harder to leave the potential employer with a great impression and come across as the ideal candidate for the position.
Have you ever attended or officiated a one-on-one or group meeting in which employees were silent? One in which the best response offered was a fake smile with a follow up of...
Anxiety in any aspects of our lives can be debilitating and even more so at work where some of us spend forty or more hours. Majority of the time, anxiety is caused by negative thoughts induced by fear...
As the workplace becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important to set ourselves apart as winners. There are so many ways to stand out in the workplace. Try these for a start...
Keeping commitments in the workplace, as in all other aspects of life, is critical. When you don’t keep a commitment, think about how it impacts the other person. We asked people how...
If you’re wondering why you should make your boss look good, following are some aspects of your career to consider. Remember she will make decisions that will positively or negatively impact your work life, especially around these critical areas...
Many employees make or receive personal phone calls in the workplace. At some companies, it is an accepted part of the culture, but other companies may frown upon it especially if...
In today’s marketplace, candidates have to work hard at maintaining a competitive advantage. Consequently, standing out in a sea of candidates is critical for the successful outcome of an interview.When you have obtained an in-person interview, be armed with a list of thoughtful and original questions.
While this type of leader has many redeeming qualities, one of the key qualities is humility. Level 5 leaders are humble and driven to do what is best for the company. Humble leaders behave differently and leave...